Franso Hariri 1937-18-02-2001

الإنجليزية English

Mr Franso Hariri was born in Harir-Arbil on 1937, graduated from Arbil teaching institution on 1960. He worked inside KDP in the early sixties of the last century. He was one of the persons very near to the late Kurdish leader  Mulla Mustafa Barzany. He bekwame in charge of important positions during his work in KDP and Kurdish Revolution at different periods of times. He was elected as a member of KDP central committee on 1979 and took over many party and governmental positions like the head of KDP side in Kurdistan regional parliament, the governor of Arbil and a minister in the third Kurdistan Regional Government in Arbil.

He was a popular, social, political and high personal celebrity, Franso Hariri, the politician, parliamentarian and sportsman approachable to every one and open in his social relations, which made him a personal friend of every one. He was a common continuous link between Muslims and Christians in the region and the proof of the unity of Kurds and Assyrians. Since his enrolment, during his early youths, to the national struggle, he never fell for personal or religious ambitions. He was an example of ethnic and religious tolerance in Kurdistan society.

Mr. Franso Hariri was a writer. He wrote two books; one about the politics of Kurdistan Workers Party in Iraq and the other one was about the internal fighting in the region after 1994. His writings are the products of live experiences and the burdens of practical works because he was always one of those near the incidents.

Since the 9th congress, he bekwame a member of Kurdistan Democratic Party Central Committee and in charge, for a while, of relations of Kurdistan and National parties. On 1992, he bekwame the head of KDP parliamentarian wing in Kurdistan Parliament. Then he bekwame the governor of Arbil. After that, he bekwame in charge of KDP branch in the capital of the region. All these responsibly granted him practical experiences in the work and dealings with people, which made him popular not an elite. Every one including government offices and the meetings of party leadership as well as sport centres in the cities of the region remember and miss him.

He was assassinated on his way from home going to the place of his work in Arbil. Mr. Hariri was attacked by armed terrorists waiting for him on his way to work. The spokes person promised to find the criminals to take their punishment. The assassination incident took place at Siteen Street in Arbil 18 Feb 2001
at 9:00 am. Four terrorists involved in the attack. They were armed with heavy machine guns.
It is worth mentioning, that two more attempts have been made on his life in Arbil on 1994 and 1997 at the same place and the same street but he escaped from both.
He has one daughter and four sons. He is bury in his birthplace in the city of Harir, 70 KM away from Arbil. 

العربية Arabic

فرانسو حريري

وليدة فرانسو حريري في بلدة حرير بمحافظة أربيل عام ١٩٣٧ وهو خريج دار المعلمين بأربيل عام ١٩٦٠ وقد عمل في صفوف الحزب الديمقراطي منذ أوائل عقد الستينيات من القرن الماضي . وكانة أحد الأشخاص المقربين من الزعيم الكردي الرا حل ملأ مصطفى البارزاني واظطلع بمسؤوليات عديدة مهمة خلال عملة في الحزب وصفوف الثورة الكردية في مراحل زمنية مختلفة وانتخب ومنذ عام ١٩٧٩ عضوا في الجنة المركزية للحزب كما تولى مناصب حزبية وحكومية عدة منها، رئيسا لكتلة الحزب الديمقراطي  الكردستاني ومحافظ لأربيل ووزيرا لحكومة الا قليم فى تشكيلتها الثالثة واخيرا مسؤال الفرع الثاني الحزب. فرانسو حريري تعرض الى كمين مسلح بينما متوجها من دارهي في طريقة الى مقر عملة من مجموعة ارهابية ونتيجة اطلاق النار على موكبة توفى مع أحد مرافقية ووقعت حادثة الاغتيال في شارع الستين في أربيل يوم ١٨/٢/٢٠٠١ الساعة التاسعة صباحا. والجدير بالذكر أن حريري تعرض لمحاولتى اغتيال سابقتين فى أربيل الاولى عام ١٩٩٤ والثانية عام ١٩٩٧ لكنة نجا منهما, وكانت في مكان نفسة الشارع نفسة ايضا. وللراحل بنت واربعة اولاد وقد دوفنة في مسقط رأسة يوم الثلاثا ٢٠/٢/٢٠٠١ ببلدة حرير على
 بعد حوالي ٧٠ كيلومتر عن مدينة أربيل


كوردي Kurdish